Here are some links to other websites that you might find useful (click on the name to go to the website):
The Central Council is the "governing body" of bellringing. Amongst other functions, it sets rules for methods and peals, and can give advice on all matters related to bells, towers, and ringing.
Most Guilds and Associations are represented on the Central Council - because our Guild is small we have only one representative, currently Kate Desbottes
The Ringing World is a weekly publication written by bellringers for bellringers. It contains articles on a wide range of ringing-related topics as well as having deails of all peals rung throughout the world (as well as many quarter peals).
This is a website giving details of peals and quarter peals rung throughout the world. It also has items of news, and a diary of events. The "search" feature enables you to search for peals and quarter peals by ringer, tower, or association,